6 Ways to Become Productive

Hi guys!
How was the weekend? I hope you're not caught up in the 'monday blues' situation? As for me I could really use a little more sleep😩 I'll survive though.
Let me use this medium to say Ramadan Kareem to all my Muslim readers, family and friends. I pray that this during this period, all of your prayers and supplications will be granted.

So my last post garnered quite a number of interesting and insightful answers, the sad part though is that you guys won't put your comments here😒😒 
You guys are wonderful and brilliant people, the rest of the world needs to know that, please start commenting πŸ˜‰

For today's Monday inspiration I'll be talking  about 6 ways to be more productive, from my point of view of course. So sit tight and relax.

  • Get enough sleep: This comes first because I love to sleep, and anyone who disturbs me when I'm sleeping usually 'gets it' from me, you can ask kuti. Anyway, getting enough sleep really goes a long way in making you productive. It is widely known that you need about eight (8) hours of sleep to make you function well. Nobody wants that slow and tired feeling when you know you could be doing a lot more. Please get enough sleep.

  • Understand the way your body works: This is very important so as to plan your work properly. Taking on large amounts of work won't help you especially if you're one to break down easily. Plan your day according to how you can function well, that way you can deliver more.
  • Create a to-do list and time yourself: When you're organized, you will perform better. You can even make it more fun by using sticky notes and pasting it around your workspace ( i can't really do this because my office is not 'tush' enough). By the time you're able to itemize all that you need to do with the time allocated to each task, you will be surprised at how much you will accomplish.

  •  Prioritize: After creating the to-do list, it is important to do the most imporatnt task at the beginning of the day before you get too exhausted. You will realize that once you start that task, it will take lesser time to complete than it would if you have to go back to it later.
  • Take breaks and eat well: taking a break is something I always look forward to everyday at work, and during my breaks I tend to 'deck' myself properly before I go back to work. We all need to refuel and relax  at some point after working for hours. So please take your breaks seriously and also make sure you eat well, that way you're sure to think and act clearly.

  • Turn off Notifications: Social media and other internet notifications as we all know can major distractions when we really need to work. Like I said in this post , it is important to schedule your social media time. When you need to work, turn them off and minimize interruptions. When you're able to regulate the time between social media and work.

So guys do you agree with me? And what other ways can we be productive? Please let me know in the comment section.

Have a productive week!



  1. Your point of view is really a good one, I should start making use of my sticky notes now and I think loving what you do also goes a long way.

    1. Hey Abby! Thanks for reading. I totally agree with you,loving what you do will definitely increase productivity.

  2. Hey Aramide. Creating a to do list definitely helps me stay organised. Lovely post. Thanks for sharing.x


    1. Hey Stephy, so glad you could stop by here. Thanks for reading.😊😊

  3. These tips are so helpful, love to plan the day and to eat well. Keeps the energy peaks in order and you know where you can put the hardes work! Xx


    1. I agree with you, thank you so much for reading😊


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