5 Things I love About Christmas πŸŽ…

Hi Guys!

Compliments of the season! πŸŽ… It feels really good to say that😊. It's exactly a week to Christmas! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Personally I just can't wait for my office to close up for the year, to think that i actually just started work. But I digress.

This post is basically just to share with you guys a few things that I love about Christmas as well as to know what you also love about this season!

Let's get right into it...

1) Food: It's not like I eat that much but the idea of having tons of things to choose from is just amazing, when we subtract the actual cooking from it of course 😝. We all know that tis the season for the almighty Jollof, can I get a witness? πŸ™Œ Chicken is not left out too with all them cookies, and lots of drinks to "wash it down". Please why won't you love Christmas.

2) Decorations: Don't you just love how colourful and lit (literally) the whole place looks during this time of the year? You get to some places and you're just blown with the creativity some people put into decorating during Christmas. It's always exciting when you also have to decorate your own house too.

3) Presents and Hampers: Who doesn't like presents please? I remember when i was still in Uni, everytime I'm coming back home during this season, I would always buy presents for everyone and even go as far as wrapping them so that on Christmas day, we open them. I was such a good sport back then but now, I don't know what's happening. Hopefully I'll resume that behaviour. Now to hampers. Hampers make me happy because, you know that for the next couple of months you can take provisions as you like since there's always surplus. It was much more fun when I was in secondary school because you just know that your provision game has gone up a notch.

4) Carol: You already know by now that I love singing and as such I love songs particularly those that are beautifully rendered. During Christmas, carols are held and you get to hear a lot of beautiful songs that just make you appreciate the season even more. My favourite Christmas song of all time has to be "O holy night", (what's yours?)  I just looove that song.

5) Joy and Togetherness It Brings: Christmas is a time of joy, where you celebrate with loved ones and you all just eat and merry together while you wait to cross over to the new year. It's a beautiful time that you get to spend happy moments with your family and there's this unity that comes with it as well. It's just really amazing.

That's it guys.

Over to You...

What do you love about Christmas? I would love to know your thoughts.



  1. I'm all about the food and the decos! I mean that's like one of the few days I get to eat alot in the year without bothering about my weight and other things.


    1. Yass! Food is lifeπŸ™Œ like who cares about weight?😊 thanks for stopping by Collins!

  2. I love d food n the cooking (i actually look forward to cooking) minus clearing up after.
    I love how it brings everyone together. It's really nice.
    We don't decorate in my house animore,as we are all grown:(
    And the free money that flies around when guests come.

    1. I want to be like you when I grow up😩 That cooking stresses me out😝. I totally forgot about the free money! I just hope people will still come around in this recessionπŸ˜†. Thank you for sharing boo😚

  3. Replies
    1. Amen to that sister πŸ™‹
      Thanks for stopping by dear


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