One year anniversary!

Hey guys
I'm really excited to be posting this and I'll tell you why. is 1 year today yaaayyy!!!
Exactly a year ago I created the blog and wrote my first post but I didn't tell anyone. I remember feeling very nervous because I knew I had an idea of what I wanted to write but I was just scared that it might not really appeal to people and it's just going to be another boring article. So I wrote down first in my jotter before typing it on the blog and with my heart beating fast,i did the crucifix sign before hitting the publish button. I was still not sure if I should tell people about it so I just let it stay there for a really long while. As if that was not bad enough, I wanted to change the look of the blog so I changed the template, little did I know that I was messing with the whole thing. It turned out that the few people i decided to tell couldn't view the 2 posts I had written. I was just pissed and fraustrated because I couldn't fix it. So I left it and I didn't go back until 5 months later when I decided that by fire or by force I will fix it and resume posting.
After I realised what the problem was,I fixed it and then I was able to summon up courage to tell people about it and the feedback I got was too amazing. Each time I read the comments,I was more convinced and determined that I wanted to write.
Someone once said to me that I'm not as 'open' when it comes to chatting on BBM or Whatsapp but when he reads my blog it's like I'm someone else entirely. I know I'm not there yet,but I'm at that point where each time I go back to read what I've written  there's this tiny voice in my head that asks 'you wrote that?' And this did not just start.
When I was doing my Cambridge A'levels I was what you'd call unserious. Exams were October/November,I decided to have fun till August before I realised that shii was getting real. It was around this time that my literature teachers discovered my 'potentials' then they called my dad and told him that wanted to be doing private tutorials for me,it was so serious that my history teacher even did his own for free.
I would write 8 pages of assignments and this particular woman Mrs Ayoade will cancel and use her red pen to destroy my perfect paper then she'll tell me that I should think deeper because there's something I wasn't seeing. Well sometimes I pleased her but most times you can guess,nonetheless, she was a really good teacher. Each time i went through what i had written,i was surprised at my use of words. These are words that I have no idea what they mean on a regular day. It's almost like I'm somewhere else when I write.
I also remember one time when I was in my 3rd year in university, I was writing this exam and then when I submitted to the invigilator,he called me back after going through my paper which I seriously don't like only that this time it was for a good cause. He told me that I had a good handwriting and that I had written very well but he wanted to know where I learned how to make use of quotes and the appropriate punctuations,in my head I'm like where else?primary school na,I remember just mumbling something to him because I was very lost,but what he said next shocked me.
He said he had a couple of final year projects that he wanted me to help him proof read and correct because they were giving him headaches. I was very dumbfounded because i was still in my 3rd year what could i possibly know about projects talk less of proof reading, when he noticed that I was sceptical , instead of collecting my own number,he gave me his and said I should feel free to call anytime and that there was no pressure. I told my dad (yeah I'm a serious daddy's girl) and he told me to go,the rest of the story is for another day.
My point is writing hasn't always been something I knew how to do, there has been so many trials and errors,half written and cancelled posts,writer's block and believe me when I say Blogger knows how to fraustrate you big time! In all of these, I haven't stopped researching and learning about how to make myself a better writer just for your reading pleasure :)
I sincerely appreciate you guys that have stuck around, even I know reading can be very boring but somehow you guys still manage to read,like,share and comment.
So here's to you guys and to many more years of this beautiful partnership and friendship.
         "If you can think it,you can do it"
I wish You a beautiful week ahead.
Don't forget to like,share and leave a comment.
I love you too much.xoxo
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  1. This is just the begining of greater achievements to come dear. Congratulations!


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