
Showing posts from March, 2016


Hey guys! Happy Easter :) I hope you're enjoying the little holiday, mine was okay but please just remind me never to use the ATM a day before a public holiday again. Anyway, so I know today is not a work day and you really don't need an inspiration to enjoy yourself,but you know Its #Mondayinspiration and I'm kind of obligated to post. So just sit back,relax and enjoy reading *wink* Here goes... When you hear the word " SLAY ", what comes to your mind? Murder, Killing? Or perhaps in contemporary lingua, 'Killing' by mode of dressing, make up and all sorts of things? What does Slaying mean to you? The Urban dictionary defines Slaying as an act of dominating, kicking ass, and succeeding in doing something. Now this definition, I like. Nowadays Slaying is mostly characterized by awesome dressing, impeccable make up and a beautiful hairdo. This is not a bad thing at all. In fact,I'm 100% up for being very stylish because the way you dress is th

Green Eyed Monster

"O beware my Lord of jealousy; it is the green-ey'd monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on..." Hey guys! How are you today and how's preparation for the Easter celebration? A lot of people have travelled home over here leaving me behind *sadmuch* Can you guys imagine that my dad told me to stay back in calabar?what did I do to that man :/ Anyway as you may have noticed from the excerpt above, I have a very interesting topic to talk to you about, so sit back,relax and enjoy reading. Jealousy or the green eyed monster as it is called by Shakespeare, is unarguably one of the things killing us gradually and destroying our relationships in the world today. It is often used interchangeably with envy but they are actually slightly different. Jealousy according to the Oxford dictionary is a feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements,possessions or perceived advantages. It is also the feeling or showing a resentful suspicion that

The Monday Blues

Hey guys, How was your weekend? Mine was too boring I tell you,you really don't want details because I'll only get more depressed remembering and as if thats not enough, it's MONDAY again! Yesterday when I was thinking about what to write because I realized it was yet another Monday,I groaned inwardly but then I started to think of the different reasons why this hatred for Mondays is very deep and to think that it is actually a worldwide thing,a lot of people all over the world hate mondays and would do anything to avoid it but unfortunately or fortunately for us we have to face it. Did you know that there was something called 'the Monday morning blues' it has to do with the feeling of depression and anxiety that can probably start on a Sunday night leading to an unproductive Monday. I like to think that this hatred of Mondays actually started from when we were little. As a kid,going to school on a Monday morning was one of the worst things ever(I dunno a

One year anniversary!

Hey guys I'm really excited to be posting this and I'll tell you why.  is 1 year today yaaayyy!!! Exactly a year ago I created the blog and wrote my first post but I didn't tell anyone. I remember feeling very nervous because I knew I had an idea of what I wanted to write but I was just scared that it might not really appeal to people and it's just going to be another boring article. So I wrote down first in my jotter before typing it on the blog and with my heart beating fast,i did the crucifix sign before hitting the publish button. I was still not sure if I should tell people about it so I just let it stay there for a really long while. As if that was not bad enough, I wanted to change the look of the blog so I changed the template, little did I know that I was messing with the whole thing. It turned out that the few people i decided to tell couldn't view the 2 posts I had written. I was just pissed and fraustrated because

Friends like Sisters

Hi guys, How are you and how has your weekend been so far?I hope you're prepared for the new week too?don't worry it'll be a beautiful one for us. So I actually just woke up from a really long nap and remembered that I had to write and post on here,the rain was just too perfect thank God I didn't oversleep. To the main issue, so you guys know those people who you meet at some point in your life and your initial thoughts of them is that they're snubbish and mean and it's an established fact that you can't get along with such people and all of a sudden you find out that you're actually becoming close to such people, to the extent that they say they're your 'manager' lol (so if you didnt know that i had a manager, there you go).I'm sure we all have such friends. Anyway this post is actually centered on one of such people. This young woman is one of those people who push you to maximize your potentials to the fullest so it's safe t

Randomly cute

Hi guys, How are you and how has your week been so far? Can't wait for the weekend right? You're not alone. Let me ask you guys a quick one before I proceed. Do you guys randomly think about how our own kids will behave,things they will do and all that stuff? Let me tell you why I'm asking. So I went to my cousin's one year old party some days back and they did this their usual dance competition and then there was this girl that shouldn't be more than 6 years old who was 'whining' so well! My mouth was literally opened while I was watching her. In my head I was like 'who taught her?!' But then again I just concluded that some kids are just very very talented. When I was her age I could dance in fact ,I was the 'makosa queen' (okay nobody called me that) but I could definitely not whine. I guess we've really evolved. So to the business of today; you guys know those things that couples do that seem weird and random to a third party but

With God our strength

Hello beautiful people, How was your weekend,blissful I hope? Mine was okay but a little depressing but I can tell you that the depression is long gone now. I'm sure a lot of you heard or read that 3 girls were kidnapped/abducted from Babington Macaulay Junior Seminary a.k.a Bmjs which also happens to be my secondary school. When I heard at first, i was just shocked and confused,I got home to realize that my roomie was in a similar condition (yeah we went to the same secondary school and university,I don't know why that girl keeps stalking me :/ ) We just couldn't understand how and why these evil men decided to pick our school for their attack. In the whole of the 19 years since the school was founded,there was no such story as kidnapping and these were days when fences were present but not present if you know what I mean. Now the school will be 20 this year,and that's when these human beings decided to strike you can just imagine their timing. During this period,

Press on

Hello my lovelies, Happy New month..How are you doing today and how was your weekend?trust it was beautiful..I'm sorry I missed my 'almost regular' #Mondayinspiration, it was due to some unforseen circumstances that I can't divulge right, don't worry I'll try not to miss the next one. So another month has gone by in 2016 huh? It was really fast I must say,I hope all the months will go by this fast. February was particularly a beautiful month for me,like from the very first day,I started to see God working. I might not have gotten all I that I asked but I believe that with each new month comes a new gift. Yesterday, as we all know was a 'leap day' one we won't see again until after another four years. Remember when I told you at the beginning of February that we're leaping into everything good? A lot of people will just skim through it without actually believing it. Well Guess what?it's not too late. All you have to do is take a