GirlschatSeries 20 || Let's Talk About Partners, Quarrels and Not Talking...

Hey Lovelies!

I hope your day went well? Welcome to the 20th #Girlschat !! Whoop Whoop!  You guys are too amazingπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Thank you so much for all of your inputs and Contributions, you're the best.

So today's topic was inspired by a thread I saw on Twitter last week, you guys already know I love twitter 😊😊.

Anyway, this guy tweeted the below picture and of course trust Nigerian Twitter to voice their opinion even where they're not calledπŸ˜‚.

I decided to ask my own #Girlschat fam how long they can go without talking to their partners when they quarrel and this is what they had to say...

Dami said: "Hmm a day or two max, If it's going to be longer than that then I know am leaving him.

Bola said: "A few days, like 2 or 3 days at most I think. Usually I try to  sort out quarrels that same day or the next to avoid it stretching out unnecessarily."

Winifred said: "A week if I'm at fault, A month if he's at fault. I'll be stalking him ooo Through his friends.

Morin said: "Depends on what the fight is about, On my part i don't like sleeping with a grugde.  So i try to iron it out asap.
I can go dayssssssss thats if he's at fault 100% and he's feeling proud. He's not the air i breathe. As far he's not my husband,  he can't come and be forming.

Toluwani said: "Okay...I don't like tension, so when there is a quarrel, I try to talk it out immediately, fortunately for me, my partner has the same attitude, so we've not gone a day without talking...
But with my ex, I think I did a month no talking, and when he didn't call me to apologise and felt he was right....break up things o..
To cut long story short sha....if it's getting over a week and nobody is talking, am already breaking up with you in my mind, the day u talk to me is the day we are ending it officially."

Honestly, these are some really interesting answers. Some people seem to think that you're automatically single if you or your partner doesn't reach out within two weeks but we have people saying they can go for a month without talking especially if the guy is feeling too proud.

Personally, I like 'shakara' and I think quite a number of ladies do too. So that's why we tend to stretch the whole not talking thing a little longer than expected. However I think it's advisable to sort it out immediately before it escalates into something you can't explain or something you would regret later.

Over to You...

How long can you go without talking to your partner when you guys quarrel?  I would love to know your thoughts.

P.s - This is a collaboration between Danie and I, so let's check out her blog  to see what she has for us today?

P.P.S - Did anyone notice how I sort of rushed this post? I'm exhausted😝 #okaybye.



  1. My partner and I don't like wahala n he likes it even less than I do, so immediately he does sometin wrong,he apologises and makes me laugh instantly.
    I personally think talking things out is the best way,not keeping grudges.

    1. I like your relationship o 😊😊 I totally agree with you though, keeping grudges will just make things worse. Thanks for reading Mimi❤

  2. Lol, I saw the tweet too. The babe just wanted out jare. But 2 weeks is actually too much. I can't go that long. Maybe a day or two. I really do love this series. Welldone dear.
    Life Lately

    1. As in no chill at all πŸ˜‚ Thank you boo😚😚


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