Wow! 2 years? Seems like yesterday when I decided to start the blog with little or no idea what I was doing, but we thank God we're still standing.

Today I won't bore you again with the details of why I started blogging, I shared it last year when the blog turned one so you can catch up here ! That said, I really just want to appreciate every single person that has ever opened this portable blog of mine, it means the world to me. I mean most times, I'm  not even sure whether what I'm  writing makes sense and then I see people telling me that I'm doing a great job. Thank you Guys soo much!

Last year was quite amazing for me in terms of blogging and I'll be sharing a few of my highlights of the last blogging year as well as plans for this new year.


1) My Dad Finally got a hang of the whole blogging thing...ish: Honestly, though this is one of the few things that gave me joy last year because my dad was just always saying what is this thing about, how will I make money with it? Basically just complaining because he didn't understand. He once asked me if what I was writing was glorifying God? πŸ˜†
My response was that he should check it and let me know afterwards. Then I carried it to my Daddy, you know the bigger one upstairs, because I can't be worrying about the fact that I need to be productive as well as my dad's complains. Finally, late last year he told me that he had checked my blog and he has been commending me since then. He even offered to help me get business cards! A few days ago, he asked me when my next blogging event was? That was really amazing for me.

2) I have met amazing people as a result of blogging: Some physically, and some others through social media. Shoutout to all the bloggers that don't see the need to 'form', actually most bloggers that I have met physically are so down to earth, I mean because we grow when we grow together ( isn't that CAG's slogan?) I won't also forget those people that are not bloggers but I have come across by the reason of blogging, I remember a lady read my post on diary of a cross corper and reached out to me because she also picked cross river and she wanted to know how the place was. We talked through email all the time and just like that we became friends then we exchanged numbers and started talking. At the end as was posted to exactly where she wanted and you should see the way she was thanking me like I actually did anything, I was so humbled.

3) I really don't know what to title this one but let me just say that for everyone who sends me a message about how I inspire them, you guys are the real MVP! I probably would not have cared much about this blog if it wasn't for you people. People that check on me when I don't write, people that are excited and tell me when I put up a new post, people who take time to comment every time (yes I have some regulars) I don't even know how to thank you guys. On the 31st last year someone sent me a message that just made my entire year and it felt good to know that I wasn't just wasting time but I was actually making an impact in my own little way.


I told someone early this year that 2017 is for Growth and that includes the blog too. So basically, in this new year, we are going to revamp the blog. I'm talking about getting a domain and a new name, changing the look, and just basically taking it up a notch just for your reading pleasure.

The name aspect has been giving me some issues but I have decided to bring it to you got to help me choose, I came up with a few ideas that I will let you know later. I also plan to network more, attend more blogging related events.

 Another thing i will be doing is sharing some blogging tips that have helped me. I used to think I wasn't qualified to that since I'm still learning too, but I read from Kachee's blog that you don't have to wait till you know everything about something before you write about it. So for everyone who has asked me one blogging related question or the other, get ready. I have some new segments I want to introduce to the blog as well, so y'all have to keep it locked right here!

For this 2nd year blogversary, there will be a giveaway, yayy!!! We already have a few sponsors, isn't that great? 😊 however, if you would want to still partner/collaborate/sponsor this giveaway, please kindly contact me πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡                                          aadeoti87@yahoo.com.
Details for when the giveaway will happen will be passed across to you in due timeπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

P.s- Do you like my top?😊 I know you do, the amazing people at tintoconcepts gifted it to me😍 you can check them on Instagram @tintoconcept

Thank you all so much and cheers to more great years ahead!πŸ’•πŸ’•



  1. Congrats darling! 2 years of being consistent is definitely not easy. And how amazing that your daddy has finally come to terms! True true, you don't have to wait till you know everything (we never will anyway) and the lessons you've already learnt is just what someone needs to hear!

    All the best this new blog year. Growth it shall be!! Xx


    1. Thank you so much Kachee, this means a lotπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  2. Yayyyyyyy,our blog is 2,amazing work sis....more inspiration to inspire usπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ™†πŸ™†

  3. I was just smiling through out this post and I want this shirt too. Please hurry up with the blogging tips post, we the fans are waiting. Happy Blog Birthday again ma'am! Wishing you bigger things and greater heights this new year.

    5 Places To Search For Information When Preparing Your Projects Or Articles

    1. Oshey fansπŸ˜†πŸ˜†, dont worry tinto concepts will hook you up real good! Thank you so much DaniellaπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  4. Aww this is so good!! Nd yh meeting other bloggers has been a huge thing for me.. So looking forward to the growth on the blog...one step at a time...πŸ’œπŸ‘πŸ‘


    1. Yes indeed it has, we have some very few bloggers like you😚😚
      Thanks hunπŸ’•


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