Girlschat series 8|| Are women too Dramatic?

Heyy People!
Notice I didn't say queens? Yeah that's because the guys will be joining us today and so this particular Girlschat is a special edition! Whoop Whoop!

Okay So, about two weeks back, my friends and I were discussing about some of the topics we've talked about here on Girlschat series (hey girls!), and then somehow we entered this topic. The Blogger that I am quickly registered it somewhere in my brain that this was going up on the blog really soon..Lol
What really made me want to put this up was the fact that there was a guy amongst us who was really pained and had a lot to say about girls and their drama, in fact he said he was done with girlsπŸ˜‚
Now this made me want to really know if women are really that dramatic, or are they just exaggerating? I decided that I wanted to find out from the boys, of course I knew what they would say and man, I did have a good laugh.

For your curious minds, here goes..

Tobi said "Partially... but generally.. yes. You people worry a lot and read meanings into even the smallest things."
Josh said  "Yeah. Most ladies are actually very dramatic. They tend to be kind of really extreme in manner of expressions and reactions to different stuffs. I know most girls are really emotional, they just tend to set their emotions loose unconsciously.  That's why they are into emotional movies and stuffs because it's something they can really relate to, and you become what you yield yourself to the most."

Tiphe said "Yes of course they are, from the pretty little girl to the beautiful woman. You know every woman wants the utmost attention so I believe when they're not getting it they put up the drama so you refocus. And sometimes I think God probably gave them this "drama gene" so life won't be boring cause I find it hilarious most times."
Anonymous said "To me women are kind of dramatic because they sometimes make decisions on just emotions, Emotions of the moment and they change their minds as soon as the emotions change."

Tomiwa said "Ladies? Dramatic people, but actually it depends on the situation though. They might be dramatic now and change later. They act as if they are being controlled by wind."

Omon said "Loool...I think people can be too dramatic regardless of their gender."

Ife said " Yes. See, I quickly checked the meaning of drama in my phone's dictionary (for a reason I'll come to) and I saw "a state, situation or series of events involving interesting or intense conflict of forces" as one of its definitions and I was like that's definitely what a babe is like. Because the average female has the ability to make real that definition (It's like a superpower/talent)... Definitely it's possible it's a common misconception or even a subtle gender stereotype but boy had to check the meaning of drama. Because I don't want drama. Not that me checking will help matters, tah... The thing that ignites that superpower will still spark and drama will follow because e dey inside. I think it's biological. Something that has to do with the excessive passion females contain in them that men don't have. Drama requires passion.See shakespeare plays and sorts."

Did you at least smile while reading this?Beacuse if you did not, you definitely need to check your sense of humour. But seriously though, these guys need to be spanked, are they trying to say that something is always "touching" upstairs or which one is being controlled by the wind again?

Okay ladies, let's stop for a second to think about this matter. Are we really that dramatic because i won't even say that we are not, okay let me speak for myself. I can actually be quite dramatic, I've had a lot of people tell me that I can be dramatic, now what do you expect when I'm in a relationship? I give it my all baby!
I remember someone I used to date got tired of my "wahala"  he would say something like "are you okay?" And then I turn it to "so you're saying I'm mad Abi? oh something is now wrong with me?" His reactions were always very priceless but the truth is I just enjoy it,but of course I knew when to introduce that kind of "drama".

 I will however agree with Tiphe, it spices things up and kills boredom. Some people are of the opinion that sometimes this "drama" is actually put up to test their partner's emotional strength especially if the relationship is a very serious one. So you'll see ladies trying to pick up fights at the slightest opportunity, going from 0-100 real quick especially during "the time of the month".

I don't know how many people follow Grace Ajilore on either instagram or Twitter  (alwaysstayingracious & gwaceybaby respectively) if you're not, you need to. She puts up some skits that represent the typical female in this same dramatic sense of course. I watch these videos and I can totally relate to them.

I also kinda agree with Ife, I think our dramatic nature is quite biological although I have no proof of that but why else will more than half of the female population be perceived as dramatic? truth is I know some ladies who are really reserved and quiet, so there's basically no drama for them because they don't want any uneccessary noise, it's either you do or you don't, no hassle.

Let me end by saying, drama is actually different from drama, if you have a girl like the one in Grace's skits then bruh I'm sorry for you, but there are some others like me who just do it for fun you know, no hard feelings. So you just have to know how to handle the drama you're getting, get comfortable with it and roll with it because the drama isn't going anywhere. Don't even Lie, you know you boys love the dramaπŸ˜‰
But you see, this is just what I think.

Over to You...

Do you think women are dramatic? Or is just "beefs" I would love to know your thoughts.

P.s- As you know, this is a collaboration between my friend Danie & I, and I'm sure she has cooked up something really nice for us today, so let's go check her blog



  1. Lol! Yeah, women can be dramatic.Some dramas displayed by some women amazes me that's a woman��

    1. I know rightπŸ˜† thanks for reading dear❤

  2. Yeah some ladies can be really dramatic....
    Some do it for fun like u said while some hmmm its dia life sefπŸ˜‚ just like d ones in alwaysstayinggracious' videosπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Lol "it's their life" made me laugh πŸ˜† those kind of ladies in Grace's videos are something else. Thanks for reading darling❤

  3. Am your biggest fan too������

    1. Awww thank you love❤❤❤ this comment made my day. Its because of you guys I do what I do, thanks for your constant supportπŸ™

  4. I think I agree with omon. Maybe girls are dramatic (ok not maybe, we are) but boys are too. I'm even talking from experience sef guys are dramatic af!

    1. Lool! I agree jare, some of them are wonderfully dramatic I tell you. Thanks for reading Tobi ❤

    2. Lool! I agree jare, some of them are wonderfully dramatic I tell you. Thanks for reading Tobi ❤


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