Hello December

Hello beautiful people,
Happy New month!!!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„oh yeah Christmas is in viewπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ—πŸ–πŸ²πŸœ and I'm so excited!
Just like yesterday 2015 started and now 2016 is so close,I really thank God for everyone in my life including you guys and trust me when I'm counting all my blessings that I received this year,I'll be sure to count you twice because y'all are the best! 😍😍. Looking back at the past months,I can't but thank God because honestly it's been one heck of a ride😝😝 but I can say confidently that this has been one of the best years of my life. I mean it wasn't always smooth,I had my fair share of tears,stress,worries and all but you know what they say 'your darkest hour comes before your dawn' and so I knew God got me and that kept me going.
Some people might be feeling downcast because they feel 2015 came and now it's gradually fading away without anything really changing,well I have good news for you,a lot of things can still happen within 31 days,and so all you have to do is just relax and believe that you won't carry it over(as per 4 units course😊).

Okay,moving on,
 I know I haven't updated since I left camp,turns out there's as much stress outside camp as there is in camp if not more. I was initially posted to one village that I can't even pronounce the name to teach! They even said they dont have light there and it is very far!! Hilarious right? I know,but I wasn't laughing when I saw my letter infact I was shaking so bad and almost crying but as a 'badt guys' I was just shining teeth so much that close up would have paid me to close it.
All you need to know sha is that I'm now going to be working with the human rights commission in calabar (no questions please thanksπŸ’…) and my boss seems nice. She was like 'get ready o,we really work here,we write a lot' and I was like 'ma that's not a problem I write too' *flips hair*(i'm bad like that but I definitely didn't flip my hair) She was probably wondering what a 'jero' like me writes.
Anyway I'm home at the moment trying to stuff myself(hopefully if they don't kill me with work)before suffering proper will start.

Since this is Christmas season,the season of love and sharing,let's not forget to affect lives positively around us (you can start with me though,I'm just saying).
Thanks for putting up with my bants♡♡♡
I hope it's not too early to say merry Christmas in advance.

I love you too much 😚😚😚😚.


  1. I love dis! You really are??... thumbs up

  2. Merry Christmas in advance to you too Sweety, and keep up the fantastic work, the Lord is your strength.


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